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LibidoⅦ. Dong Yeoun Kim

LibidoⅦ. Dong Yeoun Kim

97x145.4cm acrylic on linen. 2011 김동연 개인전 타나토스

ThanatosⅢ. Dong Yeoun Kim

ThanatosⅢ. Dong Yeoun Kim

97CmX145Cm acrylic on linen Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연 개인전 Thanatos

ThanatosⅡ. Dong Yeoun Kim

ThanatosⅡ. Dong Yeoun Kim

162CmX112cm. acrylic on linen Dong Yeoun Kim, ThanatosⅡ 김동연 개인전 타나토스

an ominous silence.  Dong Yeoun kim

an ominous silence. Dong Yeoun kim

97cm X 145.5cm. Acrylic on Linen. 2016 Dong Yeoun kim 김동연

in the Rain. Dong Yeoun Kim

in the Rain. Dong Yeoun Kim

194.2x112cm.Oil on linen. 2015 Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연

humid weather. Dong Yeoun Kim

humid weather. Dong Yeoun Kim

97cm X 145.5cm. Acrylic on Linen. 2015 Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연

ThanatosⅠ. Dong Yeoun Kim

ThanatosⅠ. Dong Yeoun Kim

97CmX145Cm acrylic on linen. 2011 Dong Yeoun Kim, ThanatosⅠ 김동연 개인전 타나토스

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

52x87cm. Mixed Media on aluminum Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

99x79cm acrylic on linen. 2015 Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

44.5x67cm. Mixed Media on aluminum Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연

LibidoⅥ. Dong Yeoun Kim

LibidoⅥ. Dong Yeoun Kim

162CmX112Cm. Oil on linen. 2010 Dong Yeoun Kim, Thanatos 김동연 개인전 타나토스

They make me crazy. Dong Yeoun Kim

They make me crazy. Dong Yeoun Kim

97cm X 145.5cm. Acrylic on Linen. 2016 Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연

Libido Ⅸ- Melancholy. Dong Yeoun Kim

Libido Ⅸ- Melancholy. Dong Yeoun Kim

162.2x112cm. Oil on linen. 2010 Dong Yeoun Kim, Thanatos 김동연 개인전 타나토스

Morpheus. Dong Yeoun Kim

Morpheus. Dong Yeoun Kim

227CmX145Cm. acrylic on linen. 2011 Dong Yeoun Kim, Thanatos 김동연 개인전 타나토스

The wall Ⅱ. Dong Yeoun Kim

The wall Ⅱ. Dong Yeoun Kim

194x112cm. acrylic on linen. 2012 Dong Yeoun Kim The Wall, 김동연 개인전

LibidoⅧ. Dong Yeoun Kim

LibidoⅧ. Dong Yeoun Kim

97CmX145Cm. acrylic on linen. 2011 Dong Yeoun Kim. 김동연 개인전 타나토스

The Wall. Dong Yeoun Kim

The Wall. Dong Yeoun Kim

194.2x112cm. oil on linen. 2012 Dong Yeoun Kim, The Wall, 김동연 개인전

Escape. Dong Yeoun Kim

Escape. Dong Yeoun Kim

162.2x130cm. Oil on linen. 2010 Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

52x87cm.Mixed Media on alum. 2015 Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

162CmX112Cm. acrylic on linen. 2010 Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연

The wall Ⅲ. Dong Yeoun Kim

The wall Ⅲ. Dong Yeoun Kim

162x130cm. acrylic on linen. 2012 Dong Yeoun Kim, The Wall, 김동연 개인전

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

162CmX112Cm. Oil on linen. 2011 Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연

ThanatosⅣ. Dong Yeoun Kim

ThanatosⅣ. Dong Yeoun Kim

162CmX130Cm. acrylic on linen. 2011 Dong Yeoun Kim, ThanatosⅣ 김동연 개인전 타나토스

She's gone Ⅱ. Dong Yeoun Kim

She's gone Ⅱ. Dong Yeoun Kim

96x65cm. Oil on korean paper. 2013 Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

97x145.4cm. acrylic on linen. 2015 Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

44.5x67cm. Mixed Media on aluminum Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

97x145.4cm. acrylic on linen. 2015 Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

54x74cm. Mixed Media on aluminum. 2015 Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연

Han. Dong Yeoun Kim

Han. Dong Yeoun Kim

96x65cm. Oil on korean paper. 2013 Dong Yeoun Kim

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

54x74cm. Mixed Media on aluminum. 2015 Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연



96x65cm. Oil on korean paper. 2013 Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연

Self Portrait. Dong Yeoun Kim

Self Portrait. Dong Yeoun Kim

Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

97x145.4cm. acrylic on linen Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연

The wall- She's Gone. Dong Yeoun Kim

The wall- She's Gone. Dong Yeoun Kim

194x112cm. acrylic on linen Dong Yeoun Kim The Wall, 김동연 개인전



Oil on linen. 2015 Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

Untitled. Dong Yeoun Kim

Dong Yeoun Kim 김동연

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